Williston Senior Projects

PID Espresso Machine  

Project Owner(s):  Colton Poulin

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/espresso-project/home 

Project Description:  This project is an advanced PID-controlled espresso machine featuring a commercial-grade pump for precise brewing, an OLED display for intuitive user interaction, and a large water reservoir for extended brewing sessions. The project aims to combine professional-level performance with user-friendly design for a premium home brewing experience.

2 x 72 Eleclatronic Tracking  

Project Engineer: Nathan Raymond (BS.EET)    

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/vtcproject2022/home  

Project Description: This project aims to replace the manual tracking system which is part of the design of a home-built 2” x 72” industrial-grade belt grinder. This machine uses a 2-hp, 3-phase TEFC 220V motor, in combination with a VFD (variable frequency drive) to control speed, making this grinder suitable for blade smithing and other blacksmithing operations which require metal removal. Each belt for this grinder is 2 inches wide by 72 inches long and has different tracking characteristics. Belts change in firmness and flexibility over time, stretching throughout use. This equates to tracking needing to be adjusted differently for each belt, and as a belt becomes worn that belt will track differently over time. This electronic tracking system will auto-adjust the tracking of a single axis, reducing the need for manual adjustments.


Presenter: Aaron Seymour (BS.ELM) & Eric Haskins (BS.ELM) 

Website: https://edirtbikeconversion.wixsite.com/ebike

Description: We are taking the knowledge acquired at Vermont Technical College, and the technical abilities we already had, and turning a KX65 gasoline powered dirt bike into an electric dirt bike. 

More BSEET/BSELM Projects

Presenters: Christopher Dunkle (BS.EET) 

Project Title: “VTCynth:  MIDI to Analog Synthesizer Module” 

Website: https://vtcynth.wixsite.com/vtcynth 

Project Description:  This project uses a KL25z microcontroller to translate a MIDI signal into an analog voltage that can be used to control a modular analog synthesizer.  A key being played on a MIDI controller keyboard will produce a digital code that is converted to a 0-10V value which corresponds to a 10-octave range on an analog synthesizer.  At 1V/octave, a specific tone will be produced for a specific key being played. 

Presenters: Clay M Carbone (BS.ELM) 

Project Title: “Mimic Shot System” 

Website: https://cxc05160.wixsite.com/mimicsystem 

Project Description:  Working with Savage Arms, and using advanced sensor technology, a test system for rifles that mimics human shooting characteristic was made into a mechanical form.

Presenters: Josh Joy (BS.EET) & Puspa Pradhan (BS.ELM) 

Project Title: “SURFup” 

Website: https://joshjoycom.wixsite.com/surfup 

Project Description:  Our goal is to build a product that makes you a better surfer.  SURFup tracks, analyzes and visualizes your surfing data so you can realize your surfing dreams. 

Presenter: James Waite (BS.EET) 

Project Title: “Meteorological Station A.K.A. Personal Weather Station or PWS” 

Website: https://jwaite230.wixsite.com/essexwestpws 

Project Description: This project is a remote, solar charged, battery powered, wireless weather station centered around an Arduino Pro Mini and an ESP8266 WiFi module.

Presenter: Daniel Rapoza (BS.ELM) 

Project Title: Heat Retention Bacterial Barrier 

Website: www.HeatRetentionBacterialBarrier.weebly.com 

Project Description: This project focuses on the automation of several curtains at a local Vermont dairy farm. These curtains simultaneously function as a heat retainer and bacteria barrier. This barrier resides between a free-stall cow barn with temperatures ranging from 30°F to 100°F and a double-6 milking parlor that has a target temperature of around 70°F. The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) will have inputs from sensors indicating where cows are, what position the curtains are in and weather the curtains need to change position.

Presenter: Jason Rol (BS.ELM) 

Project Title: High Performance Traction Control 

Website: https://bimmerg36.wixsite.com/overkilltc 

Project Description: Traction Control is a system designed to limit the amount of power transmitted to the drive wheels of a vehicle. Automobile manufacturers have various designs for traction control that work perfectly on unmodified vehicles and are designed to maximize traction on slippery roads. Vehicles that have been modified quickly surpass the capabilities of the original system and are usually trying to maximize traction under all conditions. The purchase of an aftermarket engine management system is the only other option to obtaining a high performance traction control system; there are no other products available to manage high power. 

Presenter: Jeffrey Wilder (BS.ELM) 

Project Title: Stratera Balancing Robot Platform

Website: https://wildrobotics.wixsite.com/statera

Project Description: The Statera platform is intended to be a stable robotic base vehicle that can be added to as a robotic platform. With appropriate sensory equipment, the robot could be adapted to accomplish many tasks from human-robot interaction to autonomous navigation. The Statera platform could also be a great complement to any control systems class to aid in the teaching of basic control theory. 

Site Manager: contact@vtelabs.com