STM32 Dev Platform

Legal Stuff: All software and microcontroller specific resources below are the property of ST Micro and are available here under their agreement:

Nucleo 64 STM32F072  Documentation:    

Nucleo Base Station Documentation (v.3.4, 8/2024):

Nucleo Base Station Documentation (v.3.2, 7/17/2023):

Schematic 2023 - Nucleo_Base_v3_2_SMT.pdf 

Pin Assignments 2023- NucleoBase_PinAssignments_v3_1.pdf  

EagleCAD Files 2023Nucleo_Base_v3_2_zipfile

STM32 F072  Microcontroller Documentation:

STM Cube IDE (Programming Software and ELT2050 Project Files):

STM Cube IDE Installer - from STMicro site (latest version, requires sign in)

ST Link Driver - STLink 2.1 USB driver, Link 009 zipfile

ELT2050 Project Files -  STM32 Base Station zipfile (8-21-2023)

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